Cleaning Tools to Simplify Your Life!

Morgan Polson
October 6, 2023
min read

Ever wonder what the pros use in their own homes? We're here to spill the beans!

Amazon PrimeDays are next week, and some of our favorite tools and products will be on sale, so now is the time to splurge on simplifying your cleaning process! Our owner, Morgan Polson, has several tools she employs to keep the mess to a minimum between RaiderMaids visits!

First Up: Vacuums!

Let's talk Mops!

  • iRobot Braava Jet m6 6113 Ultimate Robot Mop - Wi-Fi Connected, Precision Jet Spray, Smart Mapping, Compatible with Alexa, Ideal for Multiple Rooms, Recharges and Resumes, we have one of these bad boys and really appreciate the ability to touchup the floors with the mopping solution, or even just damp mop to pick up the dust and dirt that accumulates throughout the day. Bonus: you can schedule your Braava Jet to run immediately following your Roomba, and if you don't have dogs that bark at it, you can even run it while you sleep, waking up to clean floors! You can order iRobot mopping solution, or use the Bona floor cleaner as it is approved. Full disclosure: the Braava doesn't always immediately recognize that you've filled the canister with solution, but it always works eventually (Even if you have to take it out and put it back in 10 times first, still worth it!) Regularly $499.99 on sale for $299.99
  • O-Cedar EasyWring Microfiber Spin Mop, Bucket Floor Cleaning System, if you're looking for a good mop, this is one of the most popular and loved! You can throw the head in the washing machine between cleanings, and it holds up well. Spin mops are such a great concept- wish we'd thought of it! You can pick these up almost anywhere, but if you'd like to get it on Amazon I've linked it, and it's only $34.97 vs $39.99 regularly
  • Hurricane Spin Mop As Seen On TV, I always like to give credit where it's due, and I do believe this was the original concept, I have had 2 of these as well, and they work great also, but I did have to replace over time as the bucket cracked. Regular price $49.99, not on sale at this time.

What about stubborn dog/cat fur and hair that gets matted in carpet, fabric, and everything else?!

Uproot tools, as a great pyr mom, Morgan is constantly trying to stay on top of the hair, and these tools make a world of difference in picking up hair that gets pushed down into carpets, blankets, and car fabric as well! You may notice your cleaners using these as well, we are big fans of this product line!

The hair that easily came up using the Uproot Cleaner Pro Pet Hair Remover on one of our client's couches is pictured at the top of this post! Truly a game changer.

Please note, I may earn a small % of sales through these links, via the Amazon Associate program, but I only recommend products I truly believe in! Thank you!

Morgan Polson
October 6, 2023